Robert Mearns

Thesis Title

Existing orbital infrastructure for high-timeliness telecommand of nanosatellites

Research overview

While current nanosatellite communication links are well suited to both payload data and detailed scheduling information, traditional ground station contacts are infrequent and short, resulting in long periods without communication. Existing orbital infrastructure in the form of satellite communication (SATCOM) networks such as Iridium and Globalstar, present a unique opportunity to overcome this shortcoming without additional mission overhead. Selecting between multiple networks while in-orbit, will increase the coverage potential over a single network, subject to the operational constraints of an instrument-bound nanosatellite. This concept is completely novel within the field of nanosatellite telecommand, but will facilitate otherwise impossible missions.


Dr Airlie Chapman

Prof Michele Trenti


M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics), The University of Melbourne, Australia (2015)

B.Sc. Physics, The University of Melbourne, Australia (2012)