
Thesis Title

Ultra-high strain hardening in LPBF Ti-6246

Research overview

My PhD project focuses on utilizing an integrated computational materials engineering approach to study the ultra-high strain hardening mechanical properties in Ti-6246 alloys produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion additive manufacturing. I will be using density functional theory calculations to develop state-of-the-art machine learning potentials for comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations. These simulations will investigate the formation of Ti-6246 alloy hierarchical microstructures and how they lead to superior mechanical properties, as observed in experiments. My research aims to provide critical knowledge for designing alloy microstructures in additive manufacturing, which can significantly improve the mechanical properties of commercial alloys.


Prof. Zhe Liu

Dr. Christian Brandl


M.Sc. Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2023)

B.Sc. Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2022)