Chu Wang

Thesis Title

Enhancing Feedback Mechanisms in Human-Machine Interfaces: Design, Optimisation, and Implementation

Research overview

Human-machine interfaces (HMI) serve as the crucial bridge between humans and machines,
facilitating interactions across applications such as Virtual Reality (VR) and prosthetics. In these
domains, the significance of immediate and intuitive feedback cannot be overstated, as it
ensures effective communication and heightened user experience. This research delves into an
advanced HMI interface that capitalises on informative sensor input, aiming to enhance user
feedback mechanisms. The core objective is to amplify the symbiotic relationship between
users and technology, ensuring seamless integration and improved functionality in dynamic applications


Dr Alireza Mohammadi
Prof Denny Oetomo
Prof Ying Tan


M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia (2022)
B.Eng. Energy and Power Engineering, China Agricultural University, China (2020)