Joshua Keene

Thesis Title

Multi-Agent Motion Coordination through Dynamic Coverage Control

Research overview

This research seeks to develop and demonstrate generalised and adaptive motion coordination
within multi-robot systems to help enable scalable and robust teaming solutions in large and
dynamic environments. This work aims to extend current distributed coverage control methods
with collision avoidance techniques for improved safety guarantees during operation. A distributed
state and dynamic density function estimation framework will also be explored to enable adaptive,
sensing-informed agent dispersion. These extensions will facilitate adaptive formation and
coverage control of heterogenous multi-robot systems with potential applications including
evolving smoke plume detection, adaptive oil spill clean-up, and distributed intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance operations.


A/Prof Airlie Chapman
Prof Chris Manzie
Prof Peter Dower


B.Eng(Hons, University Medal). Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia (2020)